Celebrating 50 Years of PEC

Notice anything different about the PEC website? No? Scroll to the top of this page and have a look at the header. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

See it now? That’s the new logo we’ll be sporting through 2020 in celebration of PEC’s fiftieth anniversary. You may already have seen it in print on some of our recent mailings. It’s a small change to acknowledge that the year ahead is a special one – but it’s just one of many ways we’re celebrating.

In the months ahead, the PEC website will feature guest posts, commentaries, and recollections from a half-century of history – not just PEC’s, but the larger story of Pennsylvania’s changing environment and the people who’ve worked, over the years, to protect and restore it. We’ll also strive to tell that story through images, videos, and conversations on the Pennsylvania Legacies podcast.

As we kick off our semicentennial year, PEC invites our friends and supporters to celebrate along with us. We hope you’ll find inspiration in these stories, as well as a richer understanding of how far we’ve come – and how far we still have to go.