Policy: PEC supports House Proposals on Recreation, Conservation Corridors

PEC sent the following letter to Members of the House Tourism, Economic and Recreational Development Committee on May 1, 2023:


Dear Representatives:

On behalf of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC), I am writing to express our strong support for House Bill 33 and House Resolution 87, which are scheduled for consideration by the Committee on May 3rd. We are thankful for the bipartisan sponsorship of both proposals.

House Bill 33

This bill amends the Recreational Use of Land and Water Act to provide protections to volunteers and volunteer organizations that maintain, improve, or otherwise provide access to land for recreational purposes.

Public lands and recreational amenities have witnessed an extraordinary surge in use over the past several years. PEC has performed a series of reports on this growth, underscoring the extraordinary efforts of local organizations and individuals who develop and maintain these resources. The benefits to the public are clear – these resources provide free and accessible opportunities to citizens of our Commonwealth and help drive the tourism, business, and community growth that centers our state’s expanding recreational economy.

PEC’s Public Lands Rides and partnership in the NEPA Outdoor Challenge are just two examples of how our project work showcases these public resources and our partners who help provide them. We greatly appreciate the sponsorship of this legislation by Representatives Struzzi, White, Warren, and Freeman.

House Resolution 87

This Resolution directs the Legislative and Budget and Finance Committee to perform a study on the management and benefits of conservation corridors in the Commonwealth. The findings and objectives laid out in the Resolution perfectly encapsulate the need and value of how the proposed study can help protect and enhance our state’s tremendous natural resources. We thank Representatives Daley and Ortitay for reintroducing this Resolution.

Thank you for your consideration.



John Walliser

Senior Vice President, Legal & Government Affairs

Pennsylvania Environmental Council