PEC Supports Prohibition of Road Dumping Oil and Gas Wastewater

PEC sent the following letter on June 10, 2024 to Members of the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, urging them to support legislation for the safe management and proper treatment and disposal of conventional industry waste. 

Dear Representatives,

I am writing to convey the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s support for House Bill 2384 (P.N. 3244), which would prohibit road spreading and land application of production brine and wastewater by the conventional oil and gas industry. This legislation will be considered by the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee on Tuesday, June 11th.

Research from the state, academia, and industry itself has shown that this activity poses adverse health and environmental impacts, with no discernable public benefit. These findings were reinforced in detail at today’s hearing on the issue.

It’s time to end this irresponsible practice. The conventional industry should be held responsible for the safe management and proper treatment and disposal of their waste. The citizens of the Commonwealth should not bear the impacts of this industry’s inadequate practices. House Bill 2384 is one of many steps needed to rectify this unjust shifting of burden.

We urge you to support House Bill 2384. Thank you for your consideration.

John Walliser
Senior VP, Legal & Government Affairs
Pennsylvania Environmental Council